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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does Personal Asset Recovery charge anything fees upfront?
Absolutely not, at no point in time will PAR request any type of upfront payment. We get paid STRICTLY on contingency!
2. Will Personal Asset Recovery need or request any personal information on me?
Absolutely not, At no point in time will PAR request any type of personal information from our clients.
3. How do I know that Personal Asset Recovery is a legitimate company and not a scam?
PAR is accredited with the BBB (A+ rating) and has been in business for a while doing asset recovery on contingency. We are the least bit concerned with receiving any personal information or upfront payment from our clients.
4. I'm not aware of any type of asset owed to me or to a family member how do you find this information?
A majority of individuals and businesses have invested in certain type of assets such as mutual fund shares, stocks, insurance policies and have forgotten about them or a client could have been the beneficiary on a policy and is unaware of the funds owed to them. PAR obtains lists from companies, courts and certain jurisdictions that allows us to see what type of asset is owed to someone and how much.
5. Do I have to pay tax on the funds/property that Personal Asset Recovery has located?
That would be a question that you'd want to a tax adviser or CPA. Many cases there is no tax owed.
6. What is your success rate?
We have a 100% success rate. There has never been a client that hired us that hasn't received the asset owed to them. If the case is very complex for example a substantial amount of heirs of a deceased individual and we're unable to figure out if there are any additional heirs then it may be rather difficult which we will tell you up front, however there are no up front fees so its a WIN-WIN situation for you.
7. I received a letter in the mail from Personal Asset Recovery, what do I do next?
It depends, some letters we send out are for reaching out to heirs or any individual that we believe that can help us get in contact with the rightful owner. If there is a Contingency Fee Agreement included then it needs to be signed by the right individual and sent back to us via email, fax or mail in order for us to get the process started.